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What is Softreflector Retail?Softreflector Retail is a wepage for professional buyers. This homepage gives a good overview of our, Softreflector LLC's retail collections. Contact us for co-operation. If one is interested in customised products, contact our office.
Can I order from here?Yes, if you're a professional registered buyer, You can.
Why I have to register in order to see the collections details?Because, this homepage is strictly for retail buyers and wholesalers. We need to make sure You are one.
I am physical person, not a company. How can I order Your products?"You are welcome to visit - You are most welcome to purchase our products one by one from there.
I registered but do not get activated, why?"Each registration is evaluated individually. If Your account is not activated, it means You do not comply as a retail buyer. If You are interested in buying our products, visit
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